Opening a Piece
When you select a piece from the My Library or My Musicnotes Songs sections, or from a folder or set list, the piece will open in the music viewer.
Use either the swipe motion with your finger, or tap the right and left sides of the pages, to quickly change to the next page. Additionally, there is a page number control that will allow you to jump to a desired page.
You may also turn pages with a variety of hands-free devices. See the Hands-Free Page Turn Support topic for more information.
There are also options to view your music in portrait and landscape mode. In portrait mode, the piece will automatically zoom to fit the height of the page. In landscape mode, the piece will automatically zoom to fit the width of the page and will be vertically scrollable. In either mode, you may zoom in further to get a closer look at your piece using the common "pinch method." After you've zoomed in, you can return to the standard zoom by double tapping the page.
When you have finished viewing a piece, use the "Back" button on the top left of the screen to return to the list of songs you came from. Please note: The left slide-out menu will not be available in the music viewer.
Menu Options
There are several menu options available from the top toolbar. You can:
- Print Your Purchased Sheet Music
- Transpose Your Sheet Music
- Use Mark-Up Tools
- Play Your Sheet Music (including setting tempo and instrument volumes)
- View more info about the piece
Switch to full-screen mode.
On a phone or other compact view, most of the top toolbar options are pushed into the menu in the top-right corner.
Multi-Page View (iPad)
When using an iPad, you can choose to view two pages of music on the screen at once. To do this, tap the Multi-Page icon:
While viewing in Multi-Page mode, you can both swipe and tap on either side of the screen to navigate to the next page.
The pagination bar along the bottom of the sheet music will display which two pages you are currently viewing. If you paginate, you will view move one page over, and this will be shown in the pagination bar. The pages currently being displayed will be indicated in the pagination bar.
Multi-Page view is a read-only view. You will not be able to make markup, do playback, transpose, or print while in this mode. To exit the mode and continue interacting with the piece, press the grey X button.
Set List Controls
If you opened the piece from a set list, you will see an additional toolbar button. You can tap this Set List button to see a list of songs in the set and jump to any song you select.
There are also arrows next to the page numbers that allow you to jump to sequential pieces in your set list.
Finally, if you are viewing the last page of a piece in the set list, you may swipe or tap forward a page, to load the next piece in the set list. If you are viewing the first page of a piece in a set list, you may swipe or tap back a page to the last page of the previous piece in the set list.
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