Currently, Musicnotes does not accept PayPal for the initial purchase of Musicnotes Pro. If you have added a Musicnotes Pro membership to your cart, the PayPal payment button in checkout will not be displayed.
We would recommend purchasing the initial purchase of Musicnotes Pro with a credit card or debit card, which will be saved to your Musicnotes account for future re-billing of the membership subscription. Once purchased,
- Sign in to your Musicnotes account,
- Click on "My Account",
- Click on "Manage My Subscription" under Musicnotes Pro,
- Scroll down to the "Billing Information" section, and click on the "View or Change Payment Method" button.
- After this section expands, click on the "Change payment method" link.
- Click the "Add payment method" link,
- Click on the "PayPal" button, and sign in to your PayPal account.
Once you have completed these steps, you can set your PayPal account as the default payment method for your subscription, then remove the credit card or debit card previously stored.
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