Table of Contents:
Play Your Sheet Music
To play your purchased music, tap the play icon in the top toolbar of the Viewer window. The audio data for the piece will load, and the menu will switch into playback mode.
Once loading is complete the sheet music will play from the start of the current page to the end of the song while highlighting the notes in time with the audio.
Please note: The playback system advances pages for you in order to keep the playing music in view. You will be able to manually turn pages only before pressing play or after the music is stopped.
Changing the Tempo
To select the tempo at which your music plays you may use the Tempo Change menu option from within the Viewer Window.
You can control the tempo by using the slider, typing the desired tempo into the text box, or by selecting a relative tempo factor using one of the buttons. The selected tempo is relative to the base tempo of the piece. Please note: If the piece has a notated tempo change (e.g. a ritardando), the notated tempo change will still apply during playback.
You may return to the original base tempo at any time by selecting the 1x button.
When you exit the Viewer Window, the tempo you chose will be retained for the next time you open the piece (even if you sign out, close the app, or remove the song from your computer). You can change the tempo both during Playback and while stopped.
Using the Audio Mixer
You may select which tracks are played, and their relative volume, by using the Audio Mixer menu option from within the Viewer Window.
To control the volume of an instrument or track, use the slider for the track you would like to adjust. To silence a track entirely, click on the Mute button.
When you exit the Song Viewer, the instrument and voice levels you chose will be retained for the next time you open the piece (even if you sign out, close the app, or remove the song from your computer). You can change the instrument mix both during playback and while stopped.
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