To print a receipt of your order, please follow these steps:
- Click on "My Account" at the top of any page.
- When using a mobile device, tap on the "Menu" icon in the upper-right corner of our website, and then expand the "My Account" section before tapping on "My Account".
- Sign in as a current Musicnotes customer if you're not already signed in.
- Click on "View Past Orders" under the "Order History" heading.
- Please note: If you have an extensive order history, it may take a bit longer to load this page.
- Your most recent order will be expanded. For any other orders, you may click on the gray row to expand that specific order, or you can click on "Expand All" (not available on mobile devices).
- Click on the "View Receipt" button.
- Click on "Here is your printer-friendly receipt.".
This will open a printable receipt in a new window.
Please note: This receipt will be the same format as what was presented on the Order Confirmation page, and will not contain credit card information or company name.
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